Thursday 29 July 2010

The Skydive

A very big thank you to everyone who has supported my skydive in aid of Devon Air Ambulance. Our total so far stands at a whopping £2000! Not bad when you consider that my target was £900.
Also a big thank you to my sister Sue for stepping in for Lisa who had to pull out due to pregnancy.

The original date was affected by poor weather conditions so we re-scheduled to Wednesday 28th July. It turned out to be a perfect day for skydiving, lovely blue skies with just a few clouds. Lisa was able to come up in the plane, in the cockpit, which was brilliant as it meant that she was involved.

We boarded the plane and sat facing backwards on bench seats, ready to slide forward and exit the plane. The flight up took about 10 mins and the view out of the window was amazing, yet all I could think about was that I would soon be free falling out there!

We reached 15,000 feet and the door opened, my stomach started flipping as my instructor edged me closer to the door. Then we were out of the plane and falling free, what an adrenaline rush! I can hardly put into words the feeling, the rush, the freedom and the total amazement of just falling, the air blasting past me and rattling my cheeks.

After what felt like only seconds, but was actually one minute, the parachute was up and the frenzy of the fall became still and quiet as we floated gracefully down. It was amazing to see both the North and the South coasts. As we got lower we turned to create our shadow on the clouds below us, which was encircled by a rainbow. Amazing!

My biggest concern had been the landing but that was easy and we landed gently and gracefully.
As I describe the skydive I realise that these are only words and they can't get anywhere near describing the euphoria of this experience.

Simon always said life is for living, he was a wise man!

I came across this quote ..
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. *Eleanor Roosevelt*

So thank you again to everyone who has supported me, with both your words and your wallets!